2 Awards flag display certificates plus military document case

2 Awards flag display certificates plus military document case

2 Awards and flag display case display Case

2 Awards / Certificates and Flag Display Case 

American Flag and 2 Certificates Cases Shadow box

Flag display cases with 2 certificate holder for 8 1/2 x 11 Certificates

Our 2 certificates or 2 Award Display Flag Case  will be able to showcase your military certificates and awards along with an American Flag.  

Our case can be made out of Cherry or Oak wood, and will have
a museum quality Plexiglass to protect your flag and certificates from
any sun damage.

The Military 2 Certificates and Flag display Case is an exact
duplication for a case that we have created on behalf of
several Generals in the United States armed forces.

Due to the high demand, we are
releasing this case now to the public, with top of the line quality,
that until now was reserved only for high ranking officials in the

The 2 Certificates / or Award Flag Display Case is made out of the best wood available in the American Market.

The flag case is made out of real natural wood not the
cheaper made composite woods that are sometimes sold as imitation "knock

Best of all, the 2 Award Display Case is Hand Made in USA by USA Veterans.   

The dimensions for the Flag and 2 Awards Document case are :

for the 3 x 5 flag it is 18 1/2 x 33 x 1 5/8

and for the 5 x 9 flag it is 25 3/4 x 38 x 2 3/4

Flags presentation are a thing of honor
and these is not an alien culture in the United States; in fact it is
norm. Every year, more than sixty thousand flags and certificates are
presented to honor
military personnel and their family members for dedication to serving
their country. And about four times the number presented to the military
personnel are transported over to the Capitol building for the purpose
of commemorating retirements from service, honor awards and special achievements.

Flags and certificates of honor
are an invaluable gift given to people who can be called patriots due
to the parts they have played in serving their Father Land. It is a
representation of the past, the present, and the future of the United
States. They are a representation of honor
to those who have been patriotic in their service to the Nation both in
time of war and that of peace.  Therefore such great and invaluable
possession should be well preserved in beautiful and protective flag
cases as we have here on this site.

We have very good flag and certificate cases, flag and award display
cases, military flag and certificate shadow box, military flag and
document frame, flag and award shadow case, burial flag cane and
certificate frame and so on.

It is not worth it for one to get so great an honor
from the nation and, due to improper protection, loses it or gets it
damage. To prevent such losses, we are offering you the best burial flag
cases and casket flag display cases for our heroes who died working or
fighting for their beloved country. Flags and medal display cases for
those to be honored
for selfless service to the Nation. Military Medal display cases for
the gallant men of war fighting to sustain the Nation’s peace and
harmony. Flag and documents display cases are also available for your

You just relax and browse through the site to get the flag and
certificate that suits you most; or the flag and award display case of
your choice. Best Military flags and document cases are also available
for you on this site.

And what more is that these Flag cases, certificates and documents
cases come with the most reasonable price ever that could be! And they
are made in America too!

It has a  Plexiglass front and black lining for an elegant touch.

The back board around the two interior cases is perfect for hanging medals and other memorabilia.

The Certificate Flag Cases, Flag boxes Can fit for a 3x5 flag

Or 5'x9.5' flag ( burial flag )
